जिंदगी फुर्सत है

जीने वालों को फुर्सत कहाँ?
१०१ नुसके मनोरंजन के
नुस्को मे फुर्सत कहाँ?

दो धडकनो के बीच की फुर्सत, जानने को दिल बेताब रहा.
आदतोंसे मजबूर, इस दिल और दिमाग को
एक लम्हे की फुर्सत कहाँ?

बडी मुद्दत के बाद जब हम तुम मिलें,
हमारे दिलों ने एक ही तमन्ना की,
के ईस तरह मिलते रहने की "फुर्सत" सब को मिलें.


जिंदगी फुर्सत है

जीने वालों को फुर्सत कहाँ?
१०१ नुसके मनोरंजन के
नुस्को मे फुर्सत कहाँ?

दो धडकनो के बीच की फुर्सत, जानने को दिल बेताब रहा.
आदतोंसे मजबूर, इस दिल और दिमाग को
एक लम्हे की फुर्सत कहाँ?

बडी मुद्दत के बाद जब हम तुम मिलें,
हमारे दिलों ने एक ही तमन्ना की,
के ईस तरह मिलते रहने की "फुर्सत" सब को मिलें.

What is Fursat?

Unleashing Creativity: Embracing the Freedom of Unstructured Moments

The lack of physical space in today's world seems to be a big issue, especially in the overpopulated cities which we have accepted as a norm. What is daunting and omnipresent is the lack of mental/psychological space. Our overthinking and burden of our own self leave very little space for something new to take place in our brains.

Architecture and design deal with both these issues. In our day-to-day living, the absence of both physical and psychological space should naturally lead us to find Fursat. When one experiences any of the architecturally meaningful buildings, one cannot miss the attention to detail that is an inherent part of its conceptualization and construction. Human existence on this planet is old enough to find such architecture very close to wherever one may live on this planet.

Having said that, as an architect practicing in the most affluent era of human existence, one is often disheartened to find no connection with the masterpieces that were achieved in the past. There are many obvious reasons that one can cite for this overall degradation of what we, as humans, are creating, calling it 'our physical environment' in which we live our daily lives. One of the prime reasons for this degradation seems to me the lack of attention and awareness.


And Solutions

How to bring back that attention and awareness is a challenge that Fursat Space, as an entity, would like to face. Fursat shall be 'a sangha', 'a family' of dedicated people who would come together in order to learn eternally and bring back the attention and awareness, nurturing it through the act of selflessly constructing architecture. The skills and technical knowledge will be shared and practiced through routine training modules.

The training will primarily focus on collaboration and cooperation techniques with an emphasis on selflessness and hence the presence of love and empathy. A set of skilled people that is aware of the potential of collaboration, at the base of which is understanding oneself, will sustain and thrive on the limitless energy of the Space Fursat. Those who would like to experiment with Fursat may not be skilled as a prerequisite, but they will have to get trained in one or many skill sets of the construction work. They will be paid a reasonable stipend during the training period.

The training modules may be run on live construction sites or in a dedicated training center. Whenever there is no work on-site, the team shall concentrate on training and upscaling of skills and systems of collaborative effort. During these times also, the members of Fursat will be paid the minimum wages, which can be recovered from past/future commissions.

Core Values

To bring back the love, calmness, and peace

There will be a constant/consistent effort to excel, with an emphasis on collaboration that will lead to an 'Open to all', 'Truthful', and 'Transparent' coexistence that will be independent of any kind of authority. Although the functional hierarchical structure will be a necessity for the organized effort in order to achieve what is planned, this hierarchy will have no relevance whatsoever in the relationships within the Sangha apart from the organized effort.

Fursat will bring back the love, calmness, and peace that are the origin of everything that is beautiful.

फुरसत से चंद्रदर्शन | Fursat Se Chandradarshan

Monthly Meetup

Every month, on the night of the full moon, there is a terrace meeting.


"फुरसत" उपक्रम - दर महिन्याला पौर्णिमेच्या रात्री टेरेस मीटिंग. या महिन्यात २३ फेब्रुवारी २०२४ रोजी. स्थळ : आवर-फुरसत टेरेस, शिवम हॉस्पिटल समोर, अजिंक्यतारा रोड गोडोली, सातारा. वेळ रात्री 9:00 ते 10:30 "फुरसत से चंद्रदर्शन" असे या सत्राचे नाव दिलेले आहे, ही बैठक मास्टर आर्किटेक्ट्सकडून शिकण्यावर केंद्रित आहे. आम्ही मास्टर्सने लिहिलेला लेख/लिखाण वाचू व ऐकू आणि काय सांगितले गेले आहे हे समजून घेण्यासाठी त्यावर चर्चा करू. चंद्रदर्शन ०३- आर्किटेक्ट. चार्ल्स कोरिया सत्र सर्वांसाठी खुले असेल. कृपया,अद्वैत पाटणकर यांना X८५०८५७१६X या क्रमांकावर, व्हाट्सअप मेसेज पाठवून, उपस्थितीची पूर्वपुष्टी करावी.

अद्वैत पाटणकर

Location: Awar-Fursat Terrace, Near Shivam Hospital, Ajinkyatara Road, Godoli, Satara. Time: 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM The name of this session is "Fursat Se Chandradarshan," which is focused on learning from master architects. We will discuss to understand and interpret the articles written by masters and what they have conveyed. Chandradarshan 03 - Architect Charles Korea The session is open to everyone. Please confirm your attendance by sending a WhatsApp message to Advait Patankar at X85085716X.

Adwait Patankar


Ajinkyatara Road, Godoli, Satara
Phone: (3^2)85085716(4/2)
Email: fursatorg at gmail dot com